November 2022 Monthly Sample Announcement
페이지 정보
- 작성일 : 22-11-10 15:38
- 조회 : 538회
This is Dongil Pharmaceuticals. We are pleased to announce the Monthly Sample for November 2022.
This month's target is a toothpaste suitable for anyone who can spit out toothpaste! So, it applies to everyone except for toddlers, right?
In an era where diverse preferences are respected, the types of preferred toothpaste have changed a lot. After much consideration, a toothpaste style that can provide satisfaction in every aspect was developed. Combining the sweetness kids love with the mint flavor preferred by adults, a toothpaste with a sweet and refreshing coolness has been created.
We appreciate your attention.
Thank you.
November 2022 Monthly Sample Guide